I'm Evalena Rose

Serving the Alchemy of Love has been my full-time passion for 46 years, helping individuals and couples open their hearts and heal emotionally, physically, spiritually.  My deep skills in trauma recovery come from decades healing my own.  People find me heart-centered and kind, yet highly effective in helping people live vibrantly.

When I began as a therapist, I feared not knowing enough to help with people's intimate lives, so I consumed trainings and peer support!  Meeting my Spirit Guides was a big Aha!  I never had to work alone!  Collaborating with guides has been quite an education! 

38 years ago, Ascended Masters of The Council of Twelve invited me to channel them.  We work with individuals, couples, and groups world-wide to activate new dimensions of spiritual growth and healing.  We help you come to live fully in your power and passion!

My holistic sessions may combine spiritual counseling, channeling, and energy healing.  Innovations occur, the greatest being the quantum healings called: "The Codes for New Humanity."

Decades Of Practice

For 50 years, I've studied many of the world's spiritual traditions and a broad range of alternative and holistic healing.  I have mastery in body-centered therapies, Gestalt, Hakomi, emotional release, psychic and spiritual healing, energy balancing, soul retrieval, and recovery from incest, abuse, & addictions.

Rare combination: the depth of skill from continual study of healing arts and nutrition, a life-long interest in mysticism, the training and acumen of a therapist, plus guidance and collaboration with Councils of Light.  

I love my front row seat on transformation!

Since 1978, I've done business consulting with entrepreneurs, coaches, and healers. I loved guiding an annual visioning & business tools seminar.  I've built 7 of my own businesses, sat on 2 Boards of Advisors, been Exec of a non-profit, and incorporate much of what I've learned in our Spiritual Mentorship Program.

M.A. in Educational Psychology, B.A. in Psychology, plus numerous post-graduate trainings in Gestalt, Hakomi, hands-on healing, trauma recovery and community development.  I still love learning the latest in quantum healing, esoteric sciences, and high-level well-being.

I am not a licensed therapist, though I have the education and standards of one.  I've worked outside, but in harmony with, licensing structures so I am free to utilize my unique combination of therapy, hands-on healing, and channeling.

Health practitioners often refer their clients for energetic healing  or channeled readings to clear issues blocking the effectiveness of their treatments.  My multi-dimensional work is a great adjunct to any modality.

I have led seminars for 36 years on channeling and skills for empaths.  Since 1992, I've taught sacred relationships, founding LoveJourney: Tantra of the Heart.  Our work fostered a conscious community, living healthy sex-positive lifestyles.  We co-created sacred spaces in which to regain one's sovereignty.

Being Aquarian and coming of age in the 60's, I have always sought alternative ways to create deeper, faster healing and healthier communities.  I've learned how restoring inner balance allows natural healing to occur.

I love presenting at Festivals and travel to 2 or 3 a year.  Being bisexual by nature, I am naturally inclusive and enjoy witnessing how the range of gender and sexual expression keeps expanding. 


Living as an Empath Course

Learn to manage your sensitivity, protect your energy, and harness your gifts for a more balanced and empowered life!

Take me there!