Illuminate Your Way Forward

Listening to this Healing Chakra Meditation brings light and clarity to your body, your mind, and your soul. Download it today and listen as often as you like. 💜 

Free Chakra Healing Meditation

Welcome 💜

I help you experience quantum leaps in healing from the inside out, build powerful spirit-based businesses that change the world, and provide immersive spiritual mentorship programs for deep personal awakening.

Have a look through my signature offerings below. Whether you're looking for Channeled Business Guidance, MetaTherapy, Energetic Healing, or more intimate support on leading a life of your highest imagining....there's something here for you.

If you want more support or clarity on what will serve you best, schedule a complimentary 20-minute discovery call with me and we'll work out a path together. 💜 

Schedule a Complimentary Call
Channeled Business Guidance, MetaTherapy, Energetic Healing, and spiritual mentorship.

"Any chance I've had to work with Evalena Rose has given me blessings that echo beyond our time shared.  I love circles with her or listening to her recorded voice about Femifesting, for Evalena's path has transformed her into an incredible communicator of beings in the Light.  May you discover myriad untold gifts of this dear soul in our midst who we know as Evalena Rose."

- Joy Ressor. Author, Joyful Wares, Spiritual Director, Ordained Minister

Ways We Can Work Together

Are You Looking For An Intensive and Immersive Experience?

Intensive VIP Days

VIP days are a way to experience a customized deep-dive intensive into my entire healing toolbox. For those who want to activate or amplify any change process they desire, this 1-10 day journey brings life transforming work known to create radical shifts in one's healing process. We can draw from:

  • MetaTherapy
  • Channeling
  • Channeled Business Guidance
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Energetic Healing
  • Meditation Practices
  • Tantra and breathwork training
  • Sacred Rituals
  • Journaling assignments to integrate changes
  • Forays into nature in gorgeous mountains

Participants make quantum leaps forward in many areas of their life, healing, and personal journeys of self-actualization. *VIP experiences are highly customized for each individual.

Learn More About The VIP Experience

Courses & Meditations

Living as An Empath

Learn to protect yourself from taking on other people's energies, and the suffering that comes from misplaced awareness. (6-week program)

First Video FREE

Blissfire Tantra

Awaken your inner lover. Fall in love with yourself. Deepen in self love and understanding to further your capacity for authentic love with another.

Learn More