You deserve more of yourselfā€‹!

You deserve more of yourself! I’m impressed with how much we can transmute in our physical body and life, simply by bringing in our Light Body and living from our multi dimensional self. So simple, though it takes years of devotion to self love, meditation, conscious movement, and shifting our thoughts to arrive at this as our default. When it does, even for some days out of the week, life feels brighter.

A dear friend last summer had the courage to point out how often I would complain,...

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Spiral Through Chakras Meditation

Come live in your heart.  This is a meditation to take up residence in your heart and your core.  You’ll be invited to bring your consciousness into each chakra, which are the energy centers in the center of your body.  Each chakra connects the subtle bodies to the physical and are found at the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, navel, and perineum.

The Meditation:  Take a deep breath and allow yourself to center.  Then imagine seeing your body like...

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Releasing Emotional Armoring

We spend our childhood building emotional armor and our adulthood trying to get free of it.  It serves to honor this armoring and any dissociative process that helped protect us from what seemed shocking or harmful.  When children lack clear guidance, they invent ways to cope -served then, not so useful as an adult.

Honor that your armoring was formed for a reason, a protection against unsavory people or parents’ pain, a defense against unbearable feelings, a response to being...

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